The 15th 1000 Londoners Movie Night: Goodbye Europe

In the days that the UK leaves the EU, ​we invite the people of London to join ‘Goodbye Europe’ – a unique film screening created specifically for this historic moment in the capital.

‘Goodbye Europe’ is an anthology of new short films about the London lives of people from each of the 28 nations in the EU. It will show parts of the city that you may never have seen – profiling the rich and poor, the young and old, the integrated and the outsiders, from the West End all the way to the ends of the Tube lines. This will be a documentary experience like no other – a journey through the lives of European London, shot in the final months of the UK’s time in the EU.

Included in these 28 micro-documentaries are the stories of:

– A German man and woman who came to the UK on the Kindertransport in the
World War II era and met and married in later life.

– A Czech man who by chance discovered he was fluent in Russian at the age of 12.

– A Dutch stay-at-home Dad who offered his spare room to a Syrian refugee.

‘Goodbye Europe’ will take you inside a cage fight, an evangelical church and a rehearsal room at the Royal Ballet. They will show you the perspectives of a Bulgarian abseiler, a Swedish economist, a Spanish Big Issue vendor, a Finnish hairdresser and many many more.

The films are edited along footage from the 1950s to today, curated and edited by 1000 Londoners Creative Director Mark Currie and supplied by London’s Screen Archives. Following each screening, we offer a panel discussion with filmmakers and contributors.

‘Goodbye Europe’ is the 15th and most ambitious 1000 Londoners Movie Night to date. Join us at the:

– National Portrait Gallery – Friday Lates 15 March 2019 6pm

Museum of London – Brexit Talks 18 March 6.30pm

Ritzy Cinema 27 March 8.30pm

– Curzon Soho 28 March 6.30pm

– Hackney Picturehouse 29 March 7pm

Click the links to book tickets, or get in touch at or 0207 793 42 87 asking for Lex or Sarah. See our Movie Nights page and Facebook for more info about each screening.

Looking forward to seeing you and celebrating European Londoners!


Goodbye Europe on the BBC Radio London


Windrush Stories