What makes somebody a Londoner?
Starting from today, we are going to be posting weekly blog posts every Monday morning, posing Londoner questions that we would like answered by you! The aim is to get all us city dwellers talking, sharing ideas and sparking debate, all in the lead up to the launch of the 1000 Londoners website in January 2014. All these ideas and views will be part of the project – in some way! Whether it’s contribution on the blog or at our various pre-launch engagement activities we have happening, we want to hear your thoughts!
Food for thought this week is: What makes somebody a Londoner?
This is a common question, I’m sure, for those living in London. Are you born a Londoner or is it adopting London habits after a period of time living here? It used to be that a Londoner was a cockney, referring to people who were born within earshot of the Bow Bells. Now, a Londoner won’t necessarily have been born in the capital; words such as diverse, cosmopolitan, ‘multicultural society’ all spring to mind when you think of the typical Londoner of today.
My view on what makes somebody a Londoner?; I think it’s loving London and never wanting to leave.
Now, it’s your turn to tell us your personal experiences about ‘What makes somebody a Londoner’?
Maybe this short film will inspire some of your views. It was made at Southside Shopping Centre in Wandsworth, as part of the Wandsworth Arts Festival 2013 and this is what Wandsworth had to say!