Londoner #93 | How to be a great chess player - Agnieszka Milewska
Agnieszka has played chess since she was 5 years old. Not a day goes by that she’s not thinking about the game. She plays at West London Chess Club, on her computer and even her phone, when she is on the move.
Agnieszka came 2nd in the Girls under 14 in the Macro region of West Poland (Augustow 1998). She achieved 3rd and 5th place in the Women’s Class in the International tournament at Lomza (2003-2004). She came 2nd as a team in the Polish University championship (Wroclaw 2005).
Agnieszka teaches chess within schools and to adults privately. She is also passing on her skill and knowledge to her son, who is four years old.
Londoner #92 | Roller Derby, DIY punk and animal welfare in London - Christina Dixon